The Legislative Committee of the Continuum Coordinators, reviews current state and national legislative activity that may impact our local sites. The Coalition for Juvenile Justice places a high priority on youth involvement in juvenile justice reform. Youth members offer a unique perspective. Often, youth leaders best understand what policies, programs and changes will be most effective. The youth voice is vital to CJJ’s mission and students are an especially integral part of CJJ’s coalition. We have several events, projects, resources, and opportunities that aim to engage youth
Youth Resources

Youth Engagement Manual
Youth Manual Outline
The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA)
The State Advisory Group (SAG)
How to be an Effective SAG Member
The JJDPA Core Requirements:
Core Requirement: Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders
Core Requirement: Sight and Sound Separation
Core Requirement: Jail Removal
Core Requirement: Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)
Become the Expert – Educating your Legislature
State Three-Year JJDPA Plan
Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ)
CJJ National Youth Committee
Annual CJJ Spirit of Youth Award
Other CJJ Opportunities