Board Development and Support
Developing Juvenile Justice Continuum Boards is required when a county or city receives funding from the New Mexico Juvenile Justice Continuum Fund.

about Board development
If a city or county applies for continuum funding, they are required by the New Mexico Juvenile Continuum Act to develop an Advisory Board to create and guide a continuum of services. Currently there are twenty Juvenile Justice Continuum Boards in New Mexico. Under the Juvenile Continuum Act, all Continuum Boards are required to have officials and public agencies, and tribal equivalents, whose partnership in the juvenile justice continuum is statutorily required.
Required Stakeholders
a unit of local or Tribal Government
the Children’s Court
the District Attorney
the Public Defender
a local (municipal, county, tribal) Law Enforcement agency
the Public School district
Besides the required partners, many boards encourage community involvement by inviting representatives of public agencies (advocacy organizations), private nonprofit organizations, families, and youth membership to sit on the Board.

Youth Engagement Training
Outline of Youth Manual
A. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA)
B. The State Advisory Group (SAG)
C. How to be an Effective SAG Member
D. The JJDPA Core Requirements:
1. Core Requirement: Deinstitutionalization of Status Offenders
2. Core Requirement: Sight and Sound Separation
3. Core Requirement: Jail Removal
4.Core Requirement: Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC)
E. Become the Expert – Educating your Legislature
F. State Three-Year JJDPA Plan
G. Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ)
1. CJJ National Youth Committee
2. Annual CJJ Spirit of Youth Award
3. Other CJJ Opportunities